3 Tips for Effective Roof Truss Installation
Contractors these days choose roof truss over a rafter due to its many benefits. Not only are roof trusses aesthetic, versatile and convenient, they are also affordable. With open spaces and large floor plans being a regular part of modern home designs, roof trusses have become an essential part of the home-construction industry.
Roof trusses are mostly made of wood or steel. One of the biggest perks of roof trusses is that they are easy to install. However, this is applicable only if you follow a proper process. Check out a few basic tips for easy roof truss installation in this blog.
3 Tips for Effective Roof Truss Installation
Understand your roof truss:
This is one of the most simple yet effective tips during roof truss installation. Installation methods vary as per the type of the truss and thus, it is important to understand what kind of truss you are going with. This step helps you understand the number of labourers, tools, and equipment needed. This ensures proper planning before the installation process.
Fit the members before lifting:
It is essential to check the fitting of the members before lifting and placing them on the top of the house/building. One must assemble the members and fit them on the ground itself to check for any flaw or mismatch.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions very carefully:
Roof truss manufacturers understand your requirement and provide you with the best option. However, they also provide you with detailed information about the dos and don'ts. Make sure they are strictly followed. For e.g., a roof truss manufacturer might instruct you to use nails or bolts only at designated places. Not following this instruction might lead to serious damage to truss members.
Contact Tamarack Lumber Inc for custom roof truss designs. We are a reputed firm that understands the need of our clients.