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5 Great Roof Trusses and Their Functions

All roof trusses can provide exceptional roofing underlayment and material support. They function efficiently and can be made in a design that is suitable to the homeowner's aesthetic and functional needs.


Homeowners unsure about the roof shape they want can refer to this breakdown of different roof trusses:

King Post: The Usual Strong Roof

An average high-slope triangular roof uses a king post roof truss design. King posts are greatly affordable and easy for roofers to install because it only requires the use of a few trusses. However, homeowners have to limit themselves to a shorter roof height for this to work.

Room-in-Attic: Maximizing Residential Space

An attic can greatly add value to properties. It is a traditional, timeless part of a home that brings a quaint charm to any household. Room-in-attic truss designs require more roof trusses than those required by a simple king post truss. As a result, they can make enough room for an excellent storage or living space.

Modified Queen Scissors: Wide and Strong

The combination of queen and scissors trusses creates one of the longest-spanning roofs for homes with wide and high roofs. The combined queen and scissor design allows homeowners to use heavy roofing materials for their properties, such as clay or slate tiles.

Hip Girder Truss: The Anti-Wind Roof Material

A hip girder truss uses more than the average number of roof trusses. However, it guarantees a stable flat-top roof using any roofing material. This gives homeowners great versatility to work with more modern home designs. Hip Girder truss designs have excellent weight-carrying capabilities and wind resistance.

Mono Truss: For Your Garage Needs

These simple triangular roofs resemble half-fink truss designs that work exceptionally well for sheds and garages. Custom designed properties extensively use mono truss designs as well.

Get the Best Lumber for Roof Trusses

Tamarack Lumber can provide you with the best roof trusses available in the industry. Contact us today to get started on your truss projects!