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Exploring Triple-Ply And Quad-Ply Roof Trusses For Snow Resistance

Many regions in North America experience a lot of inclement weather, including snow. In fact, blizzards are common in certain regions where multiple inches of snow can be deposited overnight. Imagine the load that would befall a roof when all the snow is deposited. Roof trusses are used to bolster roofs in these regions and to prevent them from caving in. The most common roof trusses used for this purpose are triple-ply and quad-ply roof trusses. This blog will explore the basics of these types of trusses and why they are perfect for heavy snow.


What Are Triple-Ply And Quad-Ply Roof Trusses?


Triple-Ply Roof Truss


As the name suggests, this type of roof truss has three individual members on each joint of the truss. By comparison, a conventional roof truss only has two members. The members on the triple-ply roof truss can be thinner than a conventional truss, but still offers a lot of stability.


Quad-Ply Roof Truss


In the case of a quad-ply roof truss, one can find four individual members at each joint of the truss instead of two or three.


Why Choose Triple-Ply Or Quad-Ply Roof Truss?


These types of roof trusses are ideal for regions experiencing heavy snowfall because:


Additional Strength


Although thinner, the thickness of individual members combines or surpasses the thickness of a conventional roof truss. This also translates to the strength offered by the roof truss. Therefore, in regions experiencing heavy snowfall, having multi-ply roof trusses can offer additional strength to the roof.


Enhanced Stability


The increase in members also increases the overall stability of the roof truss. Thus, apart from maintaining strength, these trusses also ensure that the roof is relatively stable with or without any load or strong winds acting on it.


Do you need engineered roof trusses for your next project? Tamarack Lumber Inc. can help. As one of the leading manufacturers of quality roof trusses in Ontario, our experts can help create the perfect truss design for your requirements. Contact us today!