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Here's Everything You Need To Know About Roof Truss Designs

Roof trusses have gathered popularity due to their many features. They are now a favourite among engineers and interior designers. It is important to know various roof truss designs if you are planning to get trusses installed for your home. These designs are basically dependent on two factors, strength and appearance. Check out this blog to understand various types of truss designs.

A guide to roof truss designs

King truss:

King truss is the most traditional and classic roof truss design. It comprises a triangle formed at the base from a tie beam and two sloping rafters adjoined at the top. This type of truss boasts immense strength and a simple design. It also allows a large amount of natural light to enter the room. Most homeowners prefer a king truss.

Queen truss:

The queen truss is very similar in design to the king truss. The only exception is the use of two symmetrical posts instead of a king post. These posts can either be straight or curved. Additional collars and braces are added for extra strength and decorative purposes.

Raised collar truss:

This type of roof truss design is utilized in rooms with a low roof as it comprises a raised collar that increases the head space. Raised collar trusses are also known as raised tie trusses. Raised collar trusses have strong joints. 

Scissor truss:

In a scissor truss, there is no tie beam. It uses traditional rafters and two large beams for strength and support. The joining of rafters and beams resembles an opened pair of scissors. This is ideal for strong structures and increases clearance beneath.

Contact us at Tamarck Lumber Inc to source the best quality wood for your roof truss designs. We boast a full-fledged lumber yard in Mississauga that can readily ship all the lumber you need. Speak to us today!